500k subscribers giveaway

Enter the Giveaway by Joining AppFind VIP https www.AppFindVIP.com Our Free Best Apps Games Email Newsletter!AppFind just reached 500K Subscribers and t… Winners of the 500,000 Subscribers T-Shirt Giveaway announced. by Sagar Shah – 05 12 2020. The ChessBase India YouTube channel hit the 500k mark on 4th November 2020. The milestone was possible thanks to you, the constant support you have shown towards the content. To express this gratitude, ChessBase India announced a special giveaway, where … Filmora 500K Subscribers Celebration and Giveaway! Posted on August 16, 2020 by admin. We hit 500k Subscribers! On behalf of the Filmora Team, THANK YOU to all of our subscribers here on YouTube! We appreciate your support and happy you re all part of the Filmora community! To add to our celebration, we re giving a DJI Osmo Mobile 3 to 5 … Hi Sarah, I tried registering for the giveaway but I was asked to subscribe to your channel which I m already a subscriber to. Didn t know what to do so I cancelled the entry. Anyway it s all right. Just want to congratulate you on reaching 500k subscribers and more. Enjoying watching your videos. Reply Enter the giveaway http www.sovtstraw.com jva FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM https www.Instagram.com jacobsvocalacademy FOLLOW SOVT STRAW ON INSTAGRAM h… SMIRNOFF Doing It All Wrong Indentured Time Is the Ransom of Free Time There are two types of time that will make up your lifespan Your free time and your indentured time. Unfortunately, while it tries hard to guess what is important to users, Facebook still can t determine their intent. Which action, or edge, indicates more interest commenting on a post or liking a post? If a person actually clicks on a picture, is she showing more interest than if she shares it? Is a picture more valuable than a video? Does liking a video post show equal interest as watching the entire video? Facebook doesn t know, but it desperately wants to, so it keeps tweaking the algorithm to figure the mystery out. This is why even though most of your content might get seen today, you can t trust that it will tomorrow. One minute your brand could be popping up at the top of a user s page the next it could be buried six pages down. For example, Facebook may decide that sharing is a much stronger call to action and brand endorsement than liking, so it will give sharing more weight than a like. If your content happens to elicit many shares, you re golden. But then Facebook could change its mind and decide that likes are actually as valuable if not more so than shares. Your content doesn t usually get that many likes. Now what? On our way to the hotel, I pulled over on the side of the road right before we crossed a suspension bridge that was out of scale with what maps called the Aldridge River but was basically a hearty stream. 21 . https www.facebook.com business news value- of- storytelling- on- facebook .