NOTICE TO ALL PLAYERS PROMO CODES ARE RANDOMIZED FOR ALL PLAYERS AND CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE, THUS IS NON-SHAREABLE.PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR CODES. YOU WILL GET BANNED FOR IT. Assault Rifle Promo Code When entered, you ll spawn with an assault rifle regular variant no matter which game you re in.It was removed during the 1.4 update for CastleMiner Z and now has the Creative Mode promo code instead. Like many games by DigitalDNA, CastleMiner Z allows users to redeem promo codes, which unlock various features. Promo codes are only redeemable in the Xbox 360 version by default. The PC version has the Redeem menu item disabled were it enabled, it would be possible to enter promo codes. Promo codes are calculated using three pieces of input the gamertag of the player, the ID of the promo … Promo codes are one of the features that was implemented into the CastleMiner and CastleMiner Z games. Promo codes give the player access to special content featured in both games. If the player purchases CastleMiner, then they will be given a code that allows players to unlock Creative Mode in CastleMiner Z . Promo Codes Castle Miner Z Wiki Fandom. CODES 8 days ago Like many games by DigitalDNA, CastleMiner Z allows users to redeem promo codes, which unlock various features. Promo codes are only redeemable in the Xbox 360 version by default. The PC version has the Redeem menu item disabled were it enabled, it would be possible to enter promo codes. Assault Rifle At Beginning Of Game. First, you go to Castle Miner Z duh and go down to redeem code still duh and type in the words and numbers 2BE172F6 and a screen will pop up and say Start of with Assault Rifle . Well there ya go, enjoy! The educational philosophy pioneered by Maria Montessori in the early portion of the twentieth century is built around self-directed learning, long periods of intense concentration, and deep physicality it s often called embodied education and has been repeatedly shown to produce far greater amounts of flow than more traditional methodologies. The results? While the data is still far from complete, a 2006 study published in the journal Science by University of Virginia psychologist Angeline Lillard found Montessori kids outperformed regular students on everything from academic tests to social skills to creative abilities to executive function. Other studies have extended these findings from the classroom to the boardroom. When professors Jeffrey Dyer of Brigham Young University and Hal Gregersen of the globe-spanning business school INSEAD surveyed over 3,000 executives and interviewed 500 people who had either started innovative companies or invented new products, they too found a Montessori connection. As Gregersen told the Wall Street Journal A number of the innovative entrepreneurs also went to Montessori schools, where they learned to follow their curiosity. To paraphrase the famous Apple ad campaign, innovators not only learned early on to think different, they act different and even talk different . Selectively encourage brand ambassadors and influencers to pin to your Pinterest profile on a group board keep an eye on notifications for people who repin your content a lot, or draw them in from other social networks . Pinterest s messaging function launched via the icon at the bottom of the site is a useful way to engage with your most loyal and trusted followers, and invite them to pin with you. Personalize the message to make the individual feel special, and to let them know why they were chosen, what you want them to do, and what s in it for them money off vouchers, exclusive access to new products, etc. . The beauty of this strategy is that when an invited individual pins to your board, their activity shows up in both your followers and their followers feeds. If the guest pinner in question is popular on the site, you can just imagine the potential for increased interest in your brand. Be picky about the people you invite, restrict just one or two people to any one board so that they feel special, and give them as much creative freedom as you are happy to allow. To add a guest pinner, enter their username in the Add another pinner box when creating a new board. Showcase pages Chapter Nine If you re dabbling in social media to help market your business, you may have heard the expression content marketing, which is the practice of using blog posts, podcasts, videos, and images to promote your product or service. For example, if you own a farmer s market and you wish more people could find information about your business when they search online, you can create content that is attractive to search engines, making it easier to find your store online.