Our tests looked at how much we could sell a $20 Walmart, Kohl s and Target gift card for. CardCash offered $17.60 for a Walmart voucher – an offer comparable to other leading companies. Target, and also Kohl s, had a competitive offer of $16.20. If you want to get the most for your money CardCash looks like a better site to try than some … Gift card sell. 100 likes 4 talking about this. Google gift card Itunes card Loaded gmail Visit Raise. Raise has a well-designed gift card exchange website. The layout is clean and modern and it s clear where to go to buy, sell and earn rewards. The free mobile app has the same feel and is equally easy to use. One thing we really liked about this exchange website is the shopper guarantee. Where To Sell Your Gift Cards. Selling gift cards online is the easiest option, but you should expect to pay a commission up to 15 of the selling price.. 1. CardCash. You can either sell or trade at CardCash.By trading, you can get up to 14 more for your card. I ordered a gift card for a co worker I ordered a gift card for a co worker who lost a family member. They say they usually process within 15 minutes but can take up to 24 hours. Here it is well over 24 hours. No gift card sent to my co worker. no response via email. phone number is a joke as it is always busy and fax number has been … HOW FAR Popular app used to share photos and videos from mobile device on social media sites Instagram influencer marketing, 193 Click the In icon to the right of the Connections text box, and select the name of the person you want to invite from the list of connections that appears. Chapter Summary Fastlane Distinctions Fastlaners regard time as the king of all assets. Time is deathly scarce, while money is richly abundant. Indentured time is time you spend to earn money. Free time is spent as you please. Your lifespan is made up of both free time and indentured time. Free time is bought and paid for by indentured time. Fastlaners seek to transform indentured time into free time. Parasitic debt eats free time and excretes it as indentured time. Lifestyle extravagances have two costs the cost itself and the cost to free time. Parasitic debt has to be stopped at the source instant gratification.