Redeem a gift card with your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Peel or gently scratch off the label on the back of the gift card to reveal a 16-digit code that starts with X. On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, open the App Store app. At the bottom of the screen, tap Today. Redeem a gift card on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Find the 16-digit code on the back of the card. On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, open the App Store app. At the bottom of the screen, tap Today. Redeem your Apple Gift Card Opens in a new window Add money to your Apple Gift Card Opens in a new window Apple Gift Cards are solely for the purchase of goods and services from the Apple Store, the Apple Store app,, the App Store, iTunes, Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple Books, and other Apple properties. Step 01 Open iTunes. Step 02 Go to the Account option on the menu bar and click on the Redeem option. Step 03 Sign in using your Apple ID. Step 04 Use the Camera to redeem the free iTunes gift cards by ensuring you follow the onscreen instructions for capturing the redemption code correctly. OR. Step 1 Open the iTunes site. Step 2 Enter your login details and go to the redeem iTunes gift card page. Step 3 You can use this page to redeem any of the iTunes gift cards, promo codes, etc. Step 4 Paste or type the code and click on the Apply to your balance button to claim your gift card. There s no fixing a backward model like the value-added model. The only solution in such a case is to ditch the unfair system. Forget, at least for the next decade or two, about building tools to measure the effectiveness of a teacher. It s too complex to model, and the only available data are crude proxies. The model is simply not good enough yet to inform important decisions about the people we trust to teach our children. That s a job that requires subtlety and context. Even in the age of Big Data, it remains a problem for humans to solve. According to Zeynep Tufekci Zeynep Tufekci, phone interview by author, April 3, 2015. For additional information about unlikes and how they decrease your reach, click the Unlikes link below the word Benchmark to the right of the graph. That s micro-content right there compact, intriguing, of-the-moment, and native to the platform. The layout is big and eye-catching enough to make a person scrolling through her Facebook News Feed stop and say, Damn, 102? Their very first flight attendant? What? and maybe click through to read the whole interview, which really does offer a fascinating glimpse back in time and would be something many people would be compelled to share with friends. Had Air Canada simply made a few small visual and textual adjustments, they would have had more time to honor one of their employees, and also more time to tell a compelling story about their brand. Then prioritize your social-marketing efforts based on what you can afford, allocating or reallocating funds within your budget as needed. This approach not only keeps your total social-marketing costs under control but also lets you assess the results against expenses.