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I am not affiliated with Monday Night Magic, but I was talking to their team and mentioned r Magic so they said, Hey, let s give them a discount to this week s show. We re offering an additional 20 off our magic May-nia sale bringing tickets to just $8 CODE REDDIT20 Map Contact Info. Contact Info. 45 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012. 12126156432. Website. Have fun looking at all the lovely pieces on display at New York s New York s Night Magic. When you need an escape to discover something new, this art museum is awaiting your visit. About this Business. Here are some creative ways to use Facebook Live Book readings Launch a book by reading a chapter. Recipe demos Share knife skills, talk about specific ingredients, and offer tips for food presentation. Facebook Live is the perfect platform for foodies! Physical fitness Showcase exercises and offer tips for keeping fit and doing exercise in a proper, safe manner. Nutrition Share ideas for proper eating habits. Show off food swaps, present flavorful, healthy choices, and demonstrate how to cook delicious healthy food. Listening parties Preview a new song, promote a concert, or showcase new talent. Product manufacturing Bring customers to a factory or plant, or from the farm to the table. Seeing how something is made is a good way to get your customers to trust the brand and product. Product demos Show how a newly launched product works. Behind the scenes Share what goes on behind the scenes. For example, you can show planning meetings or introduce your Facebook community to staff. Recording studio Get a tour of a recording studio or watch a favorite band record a new song. Theaters Provide tours or theaters and previews of performances. Teaching Teach people how to do what you do. For example, a math teacher can share algebra shortcuts and a science teacher can demonstrate experiments. Interviews with notable people Conduct interviews with the people who are doing amazing things or have insight to share with your Facebook community. Q A with your online community Do an online town hall. Invite your Facebook community to ask questions of you and your team. This two-way conversation brings others into the video and makes them feel as if they re part of the brand. FAQs Answer the questions you re asked the most FAQs, or frequently asked questions . Online charity auctions or telethons Raise money for a favorite cause. Life hacks Share relevant tips for easier living. DIY projects Share tips for building a birdhouse, restoring furniture, repairing a wall, or installing drywall. Real estate Provide a video tour of a new house on the market. Interior design Present tips for furniture spacing, accessory placement, and color examples. School events Live stream a school s concerts, plays, and sporting events. Town events Promote local events such as parades and sporting events or visit and highlight local businesses. Art projects Show off works in progress, with fans watching as the artist finalizes the product. Job openings Announce job opportunities, showing where the chosen candidate will be working and what the job entails. Safety tips Share tips of fire safety or water safety. Stuxnet I don t suppose that this is what you pictured when I came to you and asked for Celestial s hand in marriage. There I was, all serious, trying to do things the right way, and you said, Her hand is not mine to give. At first I thought you were kidding, but when I determined that you were serious, I tried to backtrack, pretending it was all a joke, but inside I was mad and embarrassed. I felt like I was eating with my fingers when everyone else was using a knife and fork. Her hand wasn t yours to give, like you said. But at the same time, I needed to approach you as a man to another man. I was asking if I could be your son-in-law. Then the miraculous intervened the guidelines began to untwist. Potter seized the moment, yanking the toggles. He knew the better move was to reverse his direction which would have sent him backward and out into open space but for reasons he still cannot fathom he turned left instead. He was now heading directly toward the cave wall. Worse, the moment he turned, his chute collapsed, draping itself completely over his head. Beyond breaking psychological barriers, social support systems also helped climbers overcome tactical barriers. In Yosemite, one person s mishap became everyone s map. Strong ties maximize information sharing. Mental training tips, physical training tips, performance tips, flow-hacking tips, etc. all were passed around and preserved. Before collectives like Camp 4 were established, information could take years to circulate through the culture. Once action and adventure sports athletes began to build communities, a knowledge base accrued, technical languages developed, technological development accelerated. But what truly changed the game was a technological development unlike any other an innovation accelerant, barrier-breaking training tool, and ultimate flow hack all rolled into one the suddenly affordable video-cassette recorder.