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Today s top Travelocity coupon 15 Off Your First App Hotel Booking We have 50 Coupon Codes as of June 2021 Grab a free coupons and save money. The Latest Deal is $150 on Flight Hotel Bookings When You Spend $2000expires ongoing. What don t they tell you? When writing copy, speak to your ideal prospect don t try to be everything to everyone. Tell your perfect customers what makes you unique and why investing time in and clicking your ad is worth their time. Craft a headline that addresses the you to make the person reading feel like you re speaking directly to them. Create at least four versions of each ad per campaign so you can experiment with different images both promotional and more natural lifestyle in focus , calls to action and copy so that you can clearly understand which ones are performing the best. Test a variety of ad types lead ads product ads carousel, video, etc. in a variety of placements News Feed, mobile, and sidebar to see how the results vary. News Feed and mobile ads should as much as possible blend naturally into the ordinary stream of Facebook content, while for the smaller sidebar ads in particular, subtle call to actions and images with human faces or simple color combinations, seem to work best. Test a variety of target groups, based on criteria such as age, gender, Pages liked, interests, location, etc. Be sure, too, to utilize Audience Insights to gain a deeper understanding of the people you should target, based on Facebook usage, purchase activity, lifestyle, household size, etc. . If your advertising budget is small, hyper-target your audience – around 100,000 people is a decent sample. To target specific individuals and those most likely to be interested in your offering, get savvy with advanced targeting options such as lookalike audiences, custom audiences, partner audiences, re-targeting, website custom audiences, and conversion pixels, in order to get the most bang for your buck look out for these terms during the ad setup process and use the ? button next to each for a fuller explanation. Use a structured naming convention for your ad campaigns, ad names, and ad sets to make identifying and tracking them easy. With campaigns, for example, I like the format Business Client Name – Page Name – Item Promoted – Objective . The Business Client Name qualifier may or may not be necessary, depending on your circumstances. When budgeting and bidding, don t sweat too much over terms like cost CPC, CTR, CPM, etc. Instead, focus on your business cost per desired action, e.g. clicking a link and signing up to your email newsletter. This method will allow you to calculate your return on investment, i.e. how many conversions you drove per dollar spent, much more easily. Want to gauge early on if your ad is hitting the nail on the head? Look for its Relevance Score in your ad reporting – a rating of 1-10 based on how your audience is responding to your ad through likes, clicks, comments, etc. It appears after the ad has received at least 500 impressions. One simple strategy is to keep your budget low, tweaking your ad until you achieve a relevance score of 8 10 or higher. At this point, you can think about promoting the ad more heavily, but always keep an eye on the ad in case the score which update sin real time starts dipping. What kills me is when people make the same piss-poor choice multiple times but then claim to be responsible. It s easy to be responsible when responsible means just walking away. I ve seen single parents who pledge to be responsible for the wild oats they ve sown, only to occasionally send a check in the mail. I ve seen people walk away from homes, claiming to be responsible for their actions, only to buy another home they can t afford. I ve seen people being responsible for the actions their drinking and driving caused only to do it again! Therefore, he had made himself hard to find. But of course I wanted to talk to him. Chapter Summary Fastlane Distinctions The risk profile of a Fastlane strategy isn t much different from the Slowlane, but the rewards are far greater. The Fastlane Roadmap is an alternative financial strategy predicated on Controllable Unlimited Leverage. The Fastlane roadmap is predisposed to wealth. The Fastlane Roadmap is capable of generating Get Rich Quick results, not to be confused with Get Rich Easy.